Friday, May 17, 2019

Are You An Informed Citizen? Essay

Lets just start out by me explaining my policy- do views and how hygienic I am conscious. I possess to be truthful and say that I am not a real policy- devising nor am I an Informed citizen. I know this is distressed but after re searching and doing a lot of de populaceding, I prolong been enlightened and what I have read has been very interesting. An informed citizenry will benefit from applying both creative persuasion and deprecative think ofing in solving the challenges of our society, at first I was like what the heck does this even mean? Well, I have informed myself and I must say I feel I will be adequate to(p) to vote Tuesday feeling more than informed about the appends that c one timern this country. In a democracy, frequent misperceptions carry an enormous cost and I would hate to be one that contributed to this. The main goal of citizenship tuition is to produce citizens who washbowl make informed decisions on matters pertaining to the operation of governme nt. Do you know that a very high percentage of citizens make their decisions based on appearance on television receiver? I foolt fall into that category although I may fall into the category above that.Because in the yesteryear I have based my decision on commercials. I never educated myself to learn the facts from the opinions or lies one might say. A lot of powerful groups and interests in the country try to manipulate cosmos opinion and they atomic number 18 very sizeable at it. An essential element of critical thinking is acquire how to ask questions that will uncover the information needed to make an informed decision. Many decisions that citizens make have direct impact on their day to day lives. People who possess higher level of critical thinking skills are able to face societys moral dilemas with the confidence that they will be able to find answers that will solve the problem. Lets go back to how people resolve who to vote for. Several recent studies indicate that candidates who simply look more capable or lovely are more likely to win elections. It also states that people who watch a lot of television will base their decision on the candidates appearance and are likely not educated on either candidates. Also naive students based their decision on just a black and whitened photo. I feel like it would be a great idea to have a political course taken in high school.That way students know the importance of having knowledge and being informed. Teaching them the importance of having sufficient and sufficiently reliable information or knowledge to be able to understand asubject or situation and make appropriate judgments or decisions regarding it. Teaching them how to search for information, digest it, and actively participate in society putting their knowledge to a good collective use. Its very historic that we do not allow others to think for us. That we should be able to think and make decisions for ourselves based on the information that we know and have researched. We have so many vestigial issues that have to be dealt with in the country. For us to not be educated on each issue and just base our decision on close toone looking the part, well we might as well just do a coin toss.Seems more interesting and creative to me. We have job issues, environment, education, healthcare, cipher for the country, same sex marriage, economic, taxes, abortion, gun control, immigration, social security, welfare/ poverty, the war, and the list goes on and on. It is embarrassing for me to admit that I was the percentage that made my decision on the media when the only thing they are thinking of is entertaining and making money. If we want this country to be built back up and to be strong like it once was we have to become educated and educate the young, because they will be running this country one day. I would like to go through some of the things I mentioned above and let you know what I have learned just by having to write this p aper. Because I believe I have become more educated just from this one assignment and to think how much more I would know if I had started researching years ago.First would be Same sex Marriage/ Adoption that is interesting. I have invariably believed in every human lives their life the way they want as long as they are not harming themselves or any one else. Who cares what someone else does in their life. If they are happy and a good person, let them be. A gay couple should be able to adopt. A baby that is with a sweet gay couple will benefit more than staying with someone who will not give it as much love. Gay couples are just as deserving. Romney believes in marriage only between man and woman. Who is he to judge? One that I am un- decisive on is taxes. I honestly can see both sides. Why is it fair for one who goes out and works difficult to make a great living have to pay so much more in taxes to give to some that just live off the government?But the I can see where jobs are hard to get and some people of disabled and they would love to be out there working and making money. That is just one that I will have to do more reading on to be able to see what my beliefs are there. I feel everyoneshould have healthcare and no one should be turned away for pre-existing medical issues conditions and insurance companies should not be allowed to drop you if a patient role has been diagnosed with a terminal disease. There are so many issues and debates that its overwhelming and stressful, this is one reason I have never been a very political person. I see now why it is important to be an informed citizen and to know the facts. No matter how good our leadership, if we dont have knowing citizens, this nation will not work very well.

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